Payment Methods

To provide a safe payment, we only allow payment methods that offer strong protection for both buyers and a seller.

The following payment methods, which are offered at Infinita checkout, are allowed:

Bank-to-bank transfers (also known as bank wire transfers and bank cash transfers). Once you place your order, you will receivesales order on your email, containing all bank details. Please specify your sales order number in your bank transfer.
For Greece you may pay to the following bank account:
Recipient: Infinita Ltd
Bank: ProCredit Bank
Branch: Thessaloniki Branch, 26th October 54-56, Thessaloniki
IBAN: GR1511600000000001400458001 (EUR)

For all countries, EXCEPT GREECE, you may pay to the following bank account:
Recipient: Infinita Ltd
Bank: ProCredit Bank JSC
IBAN: BG57PRCB92301440861812 (EUR)
Benefit: Infinita Ltd

The delivery will be made after confirmed payment receiving.