Infinita Academy
Every year we participate in over 30 specialized congresses for human and veterinary medicine, in Bulgaria and abroad.
Based on our years of experience, we founded Infinita Academy - a training and seminar center for various medical specialties. We strongly believe in the power of education and much of our team's work is dedicated to training, workshops and professional development seminars.
Since November 2019, our Academy has its own hall, suitable for any type of medical training, with the possibility of conducting theoretical training, as well as 3 rooms for practical work. Its total area is over 100 sq. meters, and up to 24 participants can be trained comfortably.

Training Hall
and rooms for practical work

Training Hall
suitable for up to 24 participants

Catering Zone
equipped with everything you need

Catering Zone
for lunches and coffee pauses
In order to provide truly quality postgraduate training, we invite Bulgarian and internationally recognized lecturers with many years of practical experience. Some of the trainings we have conducted:
Veterinary Medicine
Abdominal Ultrasound
Clinical Labouratory
Human Medicine