Introduction in vet orthopaedics. Modul 1 - Orthopaedics Basics
Introduction in vet orthopaedics. Modul 1 - Orthopaedics Basics
The Bulgarian Association of Veterinary Orthopedics and Traumatology and Infinita Academy are pleased to invite you to the 'Practical Courses in Orthopedics and Traumatology' for veterinary specialists, divided into 4 parts. The course is international and will be held in English.
The modular BAVOT course is focused on the treatment the most common fractures of small animals, by applying well established AO principles.
The course consists of four parts organised as a different events.
Part 1 Orthopaedic principles - two days, dry lab, 04-05/April/2025
Part 2 External skeletal fixation - one day wet lab on cadavers, 07/June/2025
Part 3 Osteosynthesis with plates - one day wet lab on cadavers, 27/September/2025
Part 4 Difficult fractures and complications - one day wet lab, 22/November/2025
Target participants
• BAVOT Modular Course is appropriate for beginners in the field, including students over their 4th year.
• Attendance in the first part is mandatory for participation in the others.
The learning objectives of this education are:
• Recognition of the role of biology and mechanical aspects in the process of fracture healing
• Learning and applying the principles in treating diaphyseal fractures- internal fixation and externals skeleton.
• Mastering practical skill in the treatment of diaphyseal fractures through exercises on plastic bones and cadaver limbs.
• General understanding the principles in treating intra- articular fracture
• Recognition of the risks and potential intra-operative complications related to the treatment of fractures.
• Recognition and building strategies for treating the most common postoperative complication in fracture management
Our wokshops and programs are focused on practical training, so we offer synthesized theoretical information and give special attention to hands-on training.
Dr. Vladislav Zlatinov
Dr. Vladislav Zlatinov graduated in veterinary medicine in 2005 in Sofia.
Since 2009 he has been working as a chief vet and senior surgeon at the Central Veterinary Clinic - Sofia. There he gained his main clinical experience and grew asa specialist in the field of orthopedics and spinal surgery. Since 2021 he started working as a freelance surgeon.
He is speaker/instructor in many educational events of BAVOT and AOvet. Dr. Zlatinov is co-founder of BAVOT and an active member of AOvet. He is an autor of 15 clinical publications.
Dr. Svetoslav Hristov
Dr. Svetoslav Hristov graduated in veterinary medicine in 2005 at Trakia Univeristy, and then specialized in small animal surgery there. Since 2007, he is small animal surgeon in United Veterinary Clinic, Varna, Bulgaria,strongly oriented in diagnostic and treatment of orthopaedic and neurosurgical cases. Now he works in Elpida OrthoCare.
He is co-founder of BAVOT, and a member of Bulgarian Association of Small Animal Veterinarians. He is a frequent speaker at many international and local congresses, seminars and workshops. He is a regular speaker of AOVET.
Dr. Simeon Pachev
Dr. Simeon Pachev - Jr. is part of the team of Provet Clinic in Plovdiv. He graduated from Thracian University in Stara Zagora, after which he worked as an intern in a clinic in Austria. After returning to Bulgaria, he focused on orthopedics, neurology and endoscopy. He has a specialization in orthopedics and imaging diagnostics of the bone and joint apparatus in "Clinica Veterinaria Vezzoni", Cremona, Italy, as well as in a number of AOVET and ESAVS courses.
Dr. Vladi Kirilov
Dr. Kirilov graduated from the Forestry University as the top of his class. Founder of the Good Idea Association. Founder and associate member of BAVOT. The first chairman of the Sofia-city Regional College of the Bulgarian Veterinary Union. He attended dozens of seminars and practical trainings in the country and abroad in veterinary medicine, mainly in the fields of surgery, orthopedics, traumatology and pharmacotherapy.
Coming Soon
Registration is open until March 27, 2025.
The tuition fee is 1025 EUR for the 1st Module Registration.
If you make a registration for all 4 modules the tuition fee is 2300 EUR.
The place is guaranteed only after registration and payment of the fee, up to 72 hours after receiving the order confirmation email. The seat is guarateed after registration and payment.When registering, please select the PAYMENT BY BANK option.
Video recording is not allowed during the course.